Friday, July 3, 2009

STRANGER THAN FICTION ( Plot, Characters and Characterization)

A. Synopsis

Stranger than fiction is a story about a man whose name Harold Crick (acted by Will Ferrell), his wristwatch, and a storywriter. He is an auditor for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whose routine lonely life guided by his wristwatch. He is a man with infinite numbers, endless calculations, and remarkably few words. Thus, his life is so monotonous, boring, and repetitive.

One day, all changes when Harold Crick begins to hear a woman’s voice narrating about his innermost thought and life. She is Karen Eiffel (acted by Emma Thompson) who is a storywriter in which almost all of her stories end in the dead of the main characters. The voice that Harold hears which narrates about his life is just as a sign that he is the main character in her story. On the other hand, Harold has given a job to inspect an intentionally tax-delinquent baker whose name Ana Pascal (acted by Maggie Gyllenhaal). Then, he falls in love with her which at the same time he hears the voice narrates about him again, but he does not enable to communicate with that voice.

On the way home, Harold's watch stops working and when he resets it, what is being more unpredictable is the voice narrates that the innocuous event would result in his imminent death. He is so scared because what the narrator says always exact. In order to find a solution or at least a suggestion, Harold goes to the psychiatrist and follows her suggestion to go to the literary expert. Then, Harold goes to the Jules Hilbert (acted by Dustin Hoffman), a university professor. Jules first comes to the same conclusion as the psychiatrist, that is Harold's dull life is not something commonly seen in novels. Jules, then, encourages him to identify the author, firstly by determining if the work is a comedy or a tragedy. However, Harold determines that the story is tragedy. It can be seen when Ana angrily tells him to leave her when he refuses to accept the cookies for him. Besides, his house is broken by a wrecking crew which making mistake in demolishing the building. Harold, then, is aware that he cannot control the plot that has been set for him. In conclusion, he has to accept that he will die.

When he returns to Jules, Harold unintentionally identifies the voice he hears from a television interview. The woman in that television interview is Karen Eiffel. Jules reveals that in every book she has written, the main characters are always dead. Harold enables to find Karen through tax records, and has learned that she is presently struggling to kill off the character of Harold Crick in her latest book, "Death and Taxes", involving numerous ways includes a child on a bicycle and a city bus.

After Harold meets Eiffel, Eiffel is so horrified when she knows that Harold is the real man and experiencing what she has written. She thinks all of her previous books may also result in the deaths of real people. She tells Harold she has written a draft of the ending and his death, but has not typed it up yet. Penny suggests Harold reads the draft to get his opinion. Then, Harold asks Jules read it though finally he reads it by himself. At last, Harold returns it to Eiffel and tries to accept his fate.

The day after Harold spends one last night with Ana. Harold's watch is three minutes too fast. When he tries to save a child riding a bicycle from running over the bus, the bus hits him. However, he is safe because of his wristwatch. He just gets a serious fracture at his legs, head, and his arms.

B. Plot

1. Type of plot

The story of the movie involves revelation plot. Revelation plot is a plot in which a protagonist does not aware or ignorant to the essential facts of his situation. In the movie, firstly, Harold does not aware or ignorant that the voice narrates about his life and thought reveals that he is the main character in the story written by Karen Eiffel. Until one day he is aware about this. In revelation plot, the main character gradually or suddenly acquires the truth of the situation. The story then continues in exploring how he handles the shock of this discovery. This happens in the movie when finally Harold tries to accept his fate. His fate is being dead in the Eiffel’s story—and may be in his real world.

2. Plot structure

Based on the classic plot structure as devised by Aristotle, the story of stranger than fiction can be divided into three major parts; beginning, middle, and end.

a. Beginning

The beginning of a story provides an initiation and an introduction or description of the situation and characters exist in the story. In the movie of Stranger than Fiction, the story begins with the narration from Karen Eiffel as an introduction about Harold’s life which is lonely, monotonous, boring, repetitive, and countable.

b. Middle

The middle of a story tells about the complication that leads to the climax. In this case, the middle of a story has to present the background of circumstances that produces the complication and a series of efforts in which the protagonist attempts to solve the complication just to meet the failure.

The middle part of the movie Stranger than Fiction is indicated by the voice that Harold hear just by himself. Harold feels not comfortable with that voice and makes him not concentrate to do anything because the voice follows wherever he goes and says about whatever he is thinking about. Besides, although he can hear the voice, he cannot communicate with it. The complication is rising acutely when his wristwatch stops working and reset, the voice narrates that this innocuous event would result in his imminent death. The middle part has approached the climax when Harold goes to Jules Hilbert and try to determine whether the story which narrates about himself is a comedy or tragedy. After determining that the “story about his life” is a tragedy, Harold unintentionally sees Karen Eiffel in a television program and tries to meet her. Harold is aware that he has to die because the outline of his life story has been finished, but just not typed. The climax occurs when Harold let Eiffel to continue and make the ending of the story and the day after a bus hits him.

c. End

The ending of a story commonly serves about what happen after the complication. This is such kind of a falling action of the climax and events occur after that.

The end of the movie Stranger than Fiction is Harold is not dead. He is still alive though with serious bone fracture in his head, legs, and arms.

3. Character and Characterization

The characters presented in the movie Stranger than fiction that have big roles in the story are:

a. Harold Crick

Harold crick, the major character in this movie is a man that is so monotonous, repetitive, and boring. Every single activity in his life is calculated and he “cannot life” without his wristwatch. Harold in this movie is a round character in which everything about him is clearly and completely described both through direct and indirect characterization.

In the movie, Harold is described through direct and indirect characterization. The direct characterization can be seen from the narration of Karen Eiffel about Harold and his life. The narrator always begins her description about Harold by saying “every week day for twelve years” means that Harold’s life is repetitive and monotonous. This is an example of direct characterization of Harold.

This is a story about a man named Harold Crick and his wristwatch. Harold Crick was a man with infinite numbers, endless calculations, and remarkably few words. Every week day for twelve years, Harold would brush each of his 32 teeth 75 times. 38 times back to forward. 38 times up and down. Every week day for twelve years..................

Besides, the direct characterization describes that Harold is as a man who calculate every single activity he does. It can be seen from the narration which tells that Harold brush his teeth 75 times, 38 times back to forward, 38 times up and down, runs 57 steps per block for 6 blocks, etc. Direct characterization also describes about his loneliness by narrating that he walks alone, eats alone, and goes to bed alone.

In the movie, Harold is also described by indirect characterization. It can be seen through his action like how he says something, how he puts the eating equipment after having dinner, and how his watch always stay with him and rings every morning.

b. Karen Eiffel

Karen Eiffel is a storywriter who is full of imagination. It is described indirectly through her action and her way of thinking. For example, when she is standing on the table as if she is standing on the top of a building and observes the situation below.

Besides, she is a woman who does not care about physical appearance and anything, except her imagination. It can be seen from her physical appearance that does not seem to be well taken care. Her office is also messy and she does not care enough to it.

c. Ana Pascal

She is a woman who firmly holds principles in her life. It can be seen through indirect characterization presented in the movie that is through her respond when Harold stares at her breast. Anna Pascal is also a kind woman in which she forgives that Harold’s impoliteness.

d. Penny Escher

In the movie Penny Escher is a woman who does not believe that imagination can mix with the real life. She does not believe that the Eiffel’s story happen in the real world that is in Harold’s life. It can be seen through indirect characterization that is when she says to Eiffel “They were fictional characters, now get up”.


A. Title of the thesis : Improving Students’ Pronunciation Using Explanation and Repetition Drills for the Third Year Students of Language Program of SMU NEGERI TEJAKULA in Academic Year 1998/ 1999

B. The researcher : Ketut Sukarsa

C. About the technique

The technique used by the researcher in order to improve the students’ pronunciation was using explanation and repetition drills. This technique is viewed as an effective way to solve problems faced by the students in learning pronunciation. Learning pronunciation is commonly felt as the most difficult thing in learning English. Moreover, pronunciation often spooks the students by its complication. These conditions may complicate the students to reach the learning objectives. Whereas, in learning English, the students are expected to improve their pronunciation as earlier as possible because if they have developed false pronunciation, correcting it will be difficult and time consuming. Thus, repetition drills is one of the techniques which is effective and appropriate to solve the problems.

Repetition drills is a kind of drills in which the students repeat the teacher’s model as accurately and as soon as possible. In this case, this technique used in order to enable the students to use proper stress, rhythm and intonation which lead them to good pronunciation. It is very useful at the beginning stage of language learning to built up the “kinetic memory” that is for training the students’ perceptual motor skills.

According to the thesis, there are three kinds of repetition drills, they are verbatim repetition, open-ended repetition, and dialogue repetition drills.

a. Verbatim repetition

In verbatim repetition, the students repeat what the teacher says properly without any changes.

b. Open-ended repetition

In this drills, each student has to repeat all the responses from the students before him and adds his own information related to the topic. This drills requires the students to listen and pay attention to each other.

c. Dialogue repetition drills

In this drills, the sequence of specific pattern is repeated by the students with minor variation.

Repetition dills is one of the techniques in audio-lingual method. This technique emphasizes on how students learn a target language by repetition in order to enable the students to reproduce it automatically. The students will achieve this ability by forming new habits in the target language because learning is viewed as habit formation. Besides, the teacher, in this case, has an important role in leading and controlling. He also plays a part in being or providing a good model of imitation for the students. The learning materials are graded based on the level of complexity. Consequently, the beginners are only presented by the simple ones. Finally, the students’ errors are really avoided because it viewed as a formation of bad habits. Thus, when errors occur, the teacher immediately corrects the errors.

Although repetition drills is an old-fashioned technique, it has some advantages. It can:

1. Train the students’ accuracy and fluency.

2. Provide the students with intensive practice in hearing and saying particular words or phrases that different from their first language.

3. Help the students notice the correct form or pronunciation of a word or phrase.

4. Provide an opportunity for students to get immediate feedback on their accuracy.

5. Help memorisation and automatism of the students in term of pronouncing words or phrases.

According to the thesis, the researcher did not only use repetition drills purely, but it was also added by explanation. It was done in order to make the students understand more about how sounds are produced or how words are pronounced. Besides, there will be very little understanding if the teacher just use repetition drills without giving explanation.

D. Procedure

This is a procedure that must be obeyed by the teacher when applying the technique.

1. Before working with students, the teacher firstly have to do item selection in which he selects which items will be taught to the students.

2. After that, the items are displayed. The teacher gives models how to pronounce particular sounds, words, or more complex ones. The teacher repeats it three times or more. It must be clear, natural sounding, and consistent. The teacher should repeat the items with natural speed since slow or fast stimuli will affect the students’ pronunciation.

3. After the students have listened for several times, they are asked to repeat. The repetition should begin with chorus or mass drills. When it is successful, the teacher may ask the students to repeat individually.

4. Within the practice, the teacher judges the students’ responses.

5. The judgement did by the teacher, then, used as a basis for giving feedback to the students’ responses. During the practice, errors are really avoided. Thus, the teacher will give correction directly when he finds the students making errors. Drilling is firstly for showing to the students how to say something modelling or highlighting. Therefore, correction (after choral or individual repetition) can be seen as an opportunity to re-model or re-highlight.

Just One Kiss

One kiss is all I want

To take away my tears

And to give me a healthy smile

One kiss is all I want

To give me hope

And take on life as it comes

One kiss is all I want

To show you I love you

And be there for eternity

(A poetry written by GAry R. Hess)

The wind blew the leaves remaining the sounds like a man whispering. Whispering a story about love and affection, about sadness and broken heart. Moon brightly reflected itself on the ripples of the sea remaining its lighted shadow. The moon’s light watered the sandy beach with its bright golden light making the night more romantic. Under the dark sky with twinkle stars, a dating couple were sitting on the sandy beach, having a date, but said nothing. Each of them busied enjoying the night, still said nothing. He stroked her hair gently, as if he wanted to say, “I love you”. She lay her head on his shoulder as she did not want to let him leave her. For her, he was as a comfortable place where she depended on, where she took shelter, and had a rest after a long tiring journey. That is why she would never want to leave. For her, He was a man who could protect and spoil her with too much love.

She stared at him. He is not handsome, she thought, making her anxious to ask why she loved him, and did not find the answer. He was not handsome. Once again, she said to herself. He was quite tall, has white skin, and some acnes on his face. He was a boring man, not much talking, and....nothing interesting from him. But...he was kind-hearted. That makes him different. She nodded as she agreed to her own thought. And, smile alone. She held his hand, looked for the last warmth in those hands which would leave her alone, and would remain some coldness. It was the last time she met her after her graduation. They were already adult, and had to choose their own dreams. That is why they had to be apart.


Emily woke up when hearing the phone rang. It must be Mike. She thought. She got up and took the phone reluctantly.

“Hello....” Emily said while yawning.

“Hi, dear. My boss sees my hard work. Now, I was promoted to be executive manager. It is great, isn’t it?”

“Oh, no” she said unconsciously.

“Why?” Mike said.

“Nothing” she said as if nothing happened.

“Please be honest!” Mike a little bit angry when hearing her responses.

“I don’t like you’re promoted. You would be so busy later. You know, we have talked about this several times. Do you think our relationship is not important?”

“Don’t be selfish. That’s my dream and you have to support it,” he said angrily.

“.............” Emily was silent.

“I never forbidden you to reach your dream, so do you,” he added.

Emily was so angry. It is the first time, her boyfriend angry with her. And, she would never let him do it again. She was confused. The situation would be more difficult if he was promoted. There would be no time again for her. Moreover, she did not want it happened. Distance may make them apart, but she did not want if the time also make him further.


For several days, Emily was so afraid. Mike had not called her. She take her mobile phone and sent a message for him.

“Dear, where are you?”

She waited for several time. But there was no reply. She tried to be patient. She took her mobile phone and tried to call him. No answer. Where is he? She asked to herself. He may not be like that. She thought again.

May be he still attended a meeting with his boss. No, may be he is still angry with me. Or, may be he don’t want to quarrel with me so he don’t reply my message. Or...may be.....

Many possibilities came to her mind. But, it just made her more depressed. She can do nothing. The phone rang waking her up from her own imagination. She quickly took the phone, hope that it was her boyfriend.


“............” No answer.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,” said a girl who called her.

“Oh, my God! I almost forget today is my birthday”

“You are the first one who says happy birthday to me” she added.

“What about Mike?”

“He does not call me yet. May be this afternoon” Emily said lightly.

“Yeah, I hope he does not forget your special day,” the girl said.

Emily took a deep breath and said, “Yeah, I hope so”

Along the day, Emily was so worried. She did not hope that Mike forgot her birthday. He had promised to back to his hometown and meet her. However, until this evening he did not call her yet. Emily was giving up. She was feeling sad. She never hoped he forgot her birthday. No one would never imagine someone she loved would forgot her special day. Emily had been tired to wait. Finally, she fell asleep.

When she woke up from his boring night, she looked at her mobile phone and saw many messages from her friends. But, all of them did not interest her. There was no messages from Mike, her beloved boyfriend. The day will run slowly without her boyfriend. The bell rang. Lazily, she opened the door and surprisingly found a big present covered by pink paper and roses on it. She opened the gift, and was disappointed, not because the present but because the giver was not here. She quickly dialled someone’s phone number and,

“Hello?” she said.

“Hi, dear. Happy birthday to you” Mike said.

“I don’t need your present”

“You must be kidding. I bought it special to you, and it is not cheap”

“No, I don’t need your present; I need you, not your luxurious present” She said.

“The present is useless without you. Now, you do not have enough time for me. I know you are very busy. But please try to call me or send a message. It won’t spend much time. I hesitate you still love me or not. It does not fair if you sacrificed me just for your career,” she added with anger.

“But, my job is also important. I cannot live without my job.”

“But, please try to manage your time....” she tried to be patient.

“It is not about time, but about you who are too selfish and spoiled”

“Well, now, up to you. Just do what you want! She said angrily.

“What I want??? The problem is not on what I want but what you want! Your desire is so troublous” he said.

“You do not love me”

“I just love a girl who understands me” Mike replied.

“So, why do we still maintain this relationship? For what? Just for status?”

“I don’t know”

“So, you love me or not?” she asked passionately.

“I don’t know,” he said.

His last word made her aware that her relationship with him must be ended.

She sat on the bench near the slide, looked at the children playing at the park. She does not know a man approached her and sat beside her. It was Mike.

“Why do you come here?”

“I don’t know” the word again, she thought.


“I just want to say that I still love you”

“I don’t care.”

“Up to you”

“What do you want me to do?”

“For what?” she asked

“To prove my love”


He stood up and kissed her forehead. She stood up, looked at him, and leaved him. That is enough for her.

One kiss is all I want

Not to take away my tears

And not to give me a healthy smile

One kiss is all I want

Not to give me hope

And not to take on life as it comes

One kiss is all I want

To show how much you love me

Small Research


Reading is an important activity which can broaden the reader’s knowledge and experience. Besides, reading can also be a good way to improve language skills and give pleasure. Of course, those benefits of reading really depend on what kind of literatures read by the readers called the readers’ reading interest. Reading interests often refer to the selection of subject matter or preference for a genre of literature being read (Rudman, 1957). Generally, those reading interests can be classified into two groups that are reading interest towards fiction and non-fiction. Fiction simply refers to a kind of literature describing imagery events and people. On the contrary, non-fiction deals with facts or not imagery stories. Related to those reading interest, there are gender-specific pattern towards fiction and non-fiction. Zainab (1977) found that there are gender differences in reading interests between students at the ages of 11-16 in a Cardiff school in Wales. It showed that boys read more non-fiction than girls. The World Book Day study (2002) in Abeyrathna & Zainab (2004) indicates that girls tend to spend more hours on reading for enjoyment than boys. Based on the theory, it is important to know how gender differences could also differentiate the literature choices for being read and whether or not this theory is applicable for the students of Ganesha University.

The study was done to investigate whether or not the theory is applicable in Ganesha University, especially for the students of English Education Department. The data was collected by interviewing six male and six female students of the fourth semester in EED who are almost homogeneous. It was done on Friday, May 22 2009 at campus of Undiksha. During the interview, those students were given the same questions about what kinds of literature between fiction and non-fiction they mostly like. Besides, they were also asked to give reasons related to their answers. The data obtained would be analysed to investigate whether gender differences also influence kinds of literature they read.

Based on the result of the interview, it can be seen that 33.33% (2 students) of the male students involved in this study like reading fiction and the rest that is 66.67% (4 students) of them like reading non-fiction. Meanwhile, 83.33% (5 students) of the female students interviewed like reading fiction and the rest (16.67% or only a student) likes reading non-fiction. It can be concluded from the chart above that male students prefer reading non-fiction to fiction. On the other hand, female students prefer reading fiction to non-fiction.

The result of the interview clearly reveals that there are gender differences of students’ interests towards reading fiction and non-fiction in EED. It means that the theory presented in this study is also applicable in EED. Most of the female students interviewed maintained that they enjoy reading fiction because they want to refresh their mind which has been busied by any tiring academic activity. On the other hand, most of the male students who prefer reading non-fiction said that they never read fiction for leisure. They did not really like reading any imaginative story and prefer to read other kind of literature related to their interest like, information about game, computer, and politics.

Theoretically, boys’ preference for non-fiction is assumed to be created by young boys modelling their genre preferences on the reading tastes of their fathers (assumed to be non-fiction) and against the reading tastes of their mothers (assumed to be fiction). Thus, narrative fiction stands for the (feminine) world of affect; non-fiction stands for a functional (and masculine) world of hard facts devoid of emotions (Gemma Moss: 2007). In the first chapter of Michael Smith's indispensable book Reading don't fix no Chevys is a quick review of a dozen major findings of that research related to boys (not just teens) and reading. He proposed that boys do not comprehend narrative (fiction) as well as girls. Boys are more inclined to read informational texts such as, magazine and newspaper articles, or to read about hobbies, sports and things they do or want to do. If reading is perceived as feminized, boys will go to great lengths to avoid it. Hall & Coles (1999) proposed that all of the 12-year-old boys interviewed tended to equate non-fiction with an excitement about finding out about “the real world”, whereas most of the 14-year-old girls said that they found it is boring, difficult to read and ‘does not acquire any imagination’.

The data obtained from the interview is equivalent with the theory in which it shows that males tend to read non-fiction rather than fiction. For males who do not really like reading imaginative stories, non-fiction is an appropriate literature to find their real world and support their interests in some cases. However, females tend to read fiction rather than non-fiction. Females tend to like reading imaginative stories, as they like to be imaginative. Reading non-fiction is too serious and boring reading for them. Besides, it seems that they cannot enjoy reading non-fiction as well as they enjoy reading fiction for leisure.